
  • Ashley Salter started the topic Quality Control and Assurance in the forum TOPkit Workshop 2018 6 years, 11 months ago

    Amanda Major, University of Central Florida

    Checklists and rubrics provide a practical resource for any institution committed to maintaining online courses or programs. Whether using checklists to devise strategy, guide operations, or assess current quality, where to begin or how to proceed can be confusing. As the next step to reviewing quality of courses or assessing online programs, for instance, participants will: -Identify their institutions current implementation of checklists or rubrics as compared to other institutions. -Discuss methods for using checklists and rubrics. -Choose among any customizable combination of rubrics and checklists resources. -Sample using or relay progress with using a checklist or rubric. -Sketch some action items for implementation and prioritize based on the context of the unique higher education institution.