by Baiyun Chen

This list includes pedagogical resources, non-peer reviewed newsletters, magazines, and podcasts that contain articles related to online learning, and the TOPkit Digest archive. If you have other online learning resources you would like to share with the TOPkit Community, please send links the resources to
Pedagogical Resources
- TOPkit Report 2022: Chronicling Types of Support and Its Evolution for Quality Digital Learning in FL
- California State University Chico Rubric for Online Instruction
Faculty Focus - Quality Matters Rubrics
Teaching Online Pedagogical Repository
Non-peer reviewed newsletters, magazines, and podcasts that contain content related to online learning
- Campus Technology
- Chief Learning Officer
- Chronicle of Higher Education
- Communications of the ACM
- Distance Educator
- e-Learn Magazine (ACM)
- Learning Technologies
- Magna Publications (Distance Education Report and Online Classroom)
- Stephen Downes (Knowledge, Learning, Community)
- Online Learning Update blog
- OLC View
- Technological Horizons in Education (T.H.E.)
- TOPcast Insider (The Teaching Online Podcast)
- TOPkit Digest