
  • Ashley Salter started the topic Keynote: Alexandra Pickett in the forum TOPkit Workshop 2018 6 years, 11 months ago

    Open SUNY: Online Faculty Development At Scale
    Open SUNY celebrates, connects, and nurtures online practitioners across the SUNY system. We are committed to sharing beyond SUNY by openly licensing the tools/resources produced. This session will present how we leverage our “SUNYsystemness” and partner with campuses to engage our communities of online practitioners, scale/support online competency development, and encourage online innovation/research. This presentation will provide the opportunity for participants to discuss the importance of participation in an online community of practice, continuous online professional development, online course quality, and research and innovation, as it presents an overview of the Open SUNY context. Participants will take away online membership in a community of online practitioners to continue the conversation, a badge to recognize participation in the presentation, and an online course quality rubric that they can use to review and refresh their own online course.