
  • Wendy Howard replied to the topic Implementation Plan for University of West Florida in the forum Day 2: Implementation Plan 7 years, 10 months ago

    Thanks so much for attending the workshop and posting your Implementation Plan. I just reviewed Sara’s plan, which is pretty similar, so you may want to check out my response to her as well. It’s great that you had the opportunity to attend the workshop and work on your plan together. One thing I mentioned to her was the creative use of incentives to potentially combat time issues, so I spent some time looking at that section in your plan. You definitely have some great faculty incentives for participation in your program. Maybe some of them can be modified to incentivize others involved in the process as well.

    • Stipends are given to faculty for completing our four week Design course AND successfully completing a QM Fundamentals course review. See our Quality Course Incentive Program.
    • The Quality Online Dashboard provides details regarding faculty training and course reviews broken down by college/department.
    • Certificates are awarded for successful internal reviews and for faculty who complete both our Design course and Teaching course are awarded a Quality Online Instructor Certificate.
    • An email is sent to a faculty member’s chair and dean when their course receives official QM certification.
    • Announcements are submitted to the faculty staff newsletter and on departmental websites
    • Faculty who have completed our training and course review process are invited to share their strategies and best practices by presenting at our Spring and Fall Faculty Showcase events.

    Pretty soon you’ll be able to add another incentive, which is the State Level recognition for a quality course. You’re perfectly positioned to roll into that program with your current course review process. 🙂

    As you move forward please let us know how it’s going. I’m sure the community would love to hear more best practices and lessons learned from your team, so please share!
