TOPkit Social Media Survey Results

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TOPkit Community Social Media Preference Survey Results

We asked our community about their TOPkit social media preferences for receiving valuable information about faculty development. (About 70 people completed the survey.) Here are the results.

Preferred Social Media Outlet

Our communities preferred social media outlet are:

  • 35% preference for Facebook
  • 27% preference for Twitter
  • 29% preference for LinkedIn
  • 9% preference for other (mostly Instagram)

Types of Social Media Preferences

The responses to the types of social media preferences did not vary across preferred social media outlet and were ranked from most to least preferred type:

  1. Informative posts (such as lists, why, or how-to posts)
  2. Infographics
  3. Newsworthy
  4. Interactive (such as polls or questions)
  5. Emotive/fun content


Our community would like to be involved in TOPkit social media by:

  • 44% preference for reading posts
  • 36% preference for interacting with posts (such as re-posting, liking, or replying)
  • 20% preference for making posts

Many individuals in our community would like to receive the TOPkit social media toolkit of posts and images to promote this free community resource for those who are responsible for faculty development.