Wendy Howard's profile was updated 3 years, 11 months ago
Wendy Howard replied to the topic Remote and Virtual Labs in the forum Share an Effective Practice 4 years, 6 months ago
Here’s the link to the video if you’re interested: [url]https://vimeo.com/444970589[/url]
Wendy Howard started the topic Remote and Virtual Labs in the forum Share an Effective Practice 4 years, 6 months ago
The rapid response to moving hands-on labs to online/remote labs affected universities and colleges throughout the US. To better serve their faculty members, websites were designed to provide resources and links ranging from videos, demonstrations, lab kits, etc. to aid in instruction.
Sourcing material and determining the needs of your faculty…[Read more] -
Wendy Howard are now friends 6 years, 11 months ago
Wendy Howard are now friends 6 years, 11 months ago
Wendy Howard are now friends 7 years, 2 months ago
Wendy Howard and are now friends 7 years, 7 months ago
Wendy Howard replied to the topic Sample Course (IDL6543) in the forum Topical Discussions 7 years, 7 months ago
I sent you a private message so that we can troubleshoot offline. Once we resolve this error I’ll post the final resolution for other community members.Thank you!
Wendy -
Wendy Howard replied to the topic Sample Course (IDL6543) in the forum Topical Discussions 7 years, 7 months ago
I’m so glad you found the sample course useful! We’re looking into the error message you received to see how we can remedy the Moodle import. I’ll follow up as soon as I get an update.Thank you!
Wendy -
Wendy Howard replied to the topic Santa Fe College Implementation Plan in the forum Day 2: Implementation Plan 7 years, 10 months ago
Thanks so much for attending the workshop and posting your Implementation Plan. I enjoyed reviewing your file, especially your SWOT analysis, and then seeing how it resulted in some concrete steps to implement in the next 30, 60, & 90 days. It looks like those next steps are focused on formative evaluation and continuous improvement. Please…[Read more] -
Wendy Howard replied to the topic FSW Implementation Plan for Program Review in the forum Day 2: Implementation Plan 7 years, 10 months ago
Thank you for attending the workshop. You have clearly given this plan a lot of thought. It sounds like you may have even come with some very specific goals in mind, which is ideal. Because your questions are so focused on evaluation, I have reached out to Patsy Moskal to see if she would be willing to give you some specific feedback. (Of…[Read more] -
Wendy Howard replied to the topic TOPkit Implementation Plan for UF in the forum Day 2: Implementation Plan 7 years, 10 months ago
Thank you for your positive feedback Jennifer and for sharing your idea for promoting eTextbooks and OER. I think it’s a great idea! Let’s take this offline and discuss in more detail via phone.
Thanks again!
Wendy -
Wendy Howard replied to the topic LSSC Implementation Plan in the forum Day 2: Implementation Plan 7 years, 10 months ago
Thanks so much for attending the workshop and posting your Implementation Plan. I’m so glad you were able to attend the workshop with Michael and work on this plan together. You may want to review Sue’s response to him as well. She provided a link to our LMS Migration page that you may find helpful. Also, Page Jerzak and Geni Wright from…[Read more] -
Wendy Howard replied to the topic LSSC Implementation Plan in the forum Day 2: Implementation Plan 7 years, 10 months ago
Thanks so much for attending the workshop and posting your Implementation Plan. I’m so glad you were able to attend the workshop with Michael and work on this plan together. You may want to review Sue’s response to him as well. She provided a link to our LMS Migration page that you may find helpful. Also, Page Jerzak and Geni Wright from…[Read more] -
Wendy Howard replied to the topic Daytona State Implementation Plan in the forum Day 2: Implementation Plan 7 years, 10 months ago
Hi Bill!
Thanks so much for attending the workshop and posting your Implementation Plan. Is there anything in particular you would like feedback on?I noticed you took advantage of the orange action items boxes, and many of those items you’ve already marked complete. That’s great!
We would also like to solicit your feedback and contributions to…[Read more]
Wendy Howard replied to the topic TOPkit Implementation Plan for UF in the forum Day 2: Implementation Plan 7 years, 10 months ago
Thanks so much for attending the workshop and posting your Implementation Plan. I enjoyed reviewing your file, and it looks like you’re off to a great start. You were very active in the workshop discussions, and I can see you left with some new ideas. One thing I noticed was that you took advantage of the orange action items boxes. Hopefully that…[Read more]
Wendy Howard replied to the topic Implementation Plan for University of West Florida in the forum Day 2: Implementation Plan 7 years, 10 months ago
Thanks so much for attending the workshop and posting your Implementation Plan. I just reviewed Sara’s plan, which is pretty similar, so you may want to check out my response to her as well. It’s great that you had the opportunity to attend the workshop and work on your plan together. One thing I mentioned to her was the creative use of…[Read more] -
Wendy Howard replied to the topic University of West Florida Implementation Plan in the forum Day 2: Implementation Plan 7 years, 10 months ago
Thanks so much for attending the workshop and posting your Implementation Plan. I really enjoyed reviewing the SWOT analysis in your attached file. One theme that jumped out at me as I read through all three tables was time. I think we all struggle with that – never enough time! I know we can’t create more time, but perhaps creative…[Read more] -
Wendy Howard replied to the topic Implementation Plan in the forum Day 2: Implementation Plan 7 years, 10 months ago
Thanks so much for attending the workshop and revising the implementation plan to meet your needs. It looks like you have ambitious but attainable 30, 60, & 90 days goals. I noticed that in Phase 2 you discuss using a rubric to review the current version of your course, which is an excellent idea. I hope you find a rubric that works for…[Read more] -
Wendy Howard replied to the topic Implementation Plan in the forum Day 2: Implementation Plan 7 years, 10 months ago
Thanks so much for attending the workshop and posting your Implementation Plan. I enjoyed reviewing your file with short and long term plans pre/post 90 days. Sounds like you’re ramping up for a big LMS conversion, and after a recent discussion with Page I believe we will have a follow up discussion to share some lessons learned from our c…[Read more] - Load More