Ashley Salter started the topic Keynote: Alexandra Pickett in the forum TOPkit Workshop 2018 7 years ago
Open SUNY: Online Faculty Development At Scale
Open SUNY celebrates, connects, and nurtures online practitioners across the SUNY system. We are committed to sharing beyond SUNY by openly licensing the tools/resources produced. This session will present how we leverage our “SUNYsystemness” and partner with campuses to engage our…[Read more] -
Ashley Salter started the topic Making Meaning of the State Quality Initiative in the forum TOPkit Workshop 2018 7 years ago
Aimee deNoyelles, University of Central Florida
Amanda Major, University of Central Florida
Dennis Walpole, University of South FloridaAbstract:
The StateUniversity System of Florida Board of Governor’s 2025 Strategic Plan for OnlineEducation recommends that institutions implement an online course review process w…[Read more] -
Ashley Salter started the topic Are Your Faculty Members Fully Supported? An Inside look at USF’s Online Course in the forum TOPkit Workshop 2018 7 years ago
Brittany Anthony, University of South Florida
Victor Ventor, University of South FloridaAbstract:
Students from diverse cultures often find themselves at a disadvantage in the U.S. school setting. The culture and language barrier create more difficulties for these students to maintain high academic performance.…[Read more] -
Ashley Salter started the topic Anyone can copy-right? Demystifying the proper use of licensed materials in post in the forum TOPkit Workshop 2018 7 years ago
James Paradiso, University of Central Florida
Sarah Norris, University of Central FloridaAbstract:
The term copyright is fairly intimidating, as decisions surrounding it imply breaking or upholding a U.S. federal statute. This session, however, is designed to dispel any such trepidation by supplying ample…[Read more] -
Ashley Salter started the topic Future of STEM Labs for Online Students across the SUS in the forum TOPkit Workshop 2018 7 years ago
Evangeline Cummings, University of Florida
JoleenCannon, University of Florida
Emma Brady, University of Florida
JoeClark, Florida State University
Baiyun Chen, University of Central FloridaAbstract:
Under the leadership of the Board of Governors and the directionof the SUS Presidents shepherding implementation of…[Read more] -
Ashley Salter started the topic Evidence of Impact: Examining Research Opportunities and Challenges on your Camp in the forum TOPkit Workshop 2018 7 years ago
Patsy Moskal, University of Central Florida
Chuck Dziuban, University of Central FloridaAbstract:
This session will focus on howTOPKit participants can find and use evidence of impact in their work. UCF researchers will work with participants to help them identify research goals, opportunities, and challenges on…[Read more] -
Ashley Salter started the topic Accessibility, Inclusion and UDL walk into a restaurant… in the forum TOPkit Workshop 2018 7 years ago
Tina Calandrino, University of Central FloridaAbstract:
Learning Objectives:
• Explain the importance and benefits of web accessibility for people with disabilities and older people
• List common barriers experienced by people with disabilities and older people
• Understand that UDL Guidelines are the inter…[
Ashley Salter started the topic Sharing Success: A Two-Phased Approach to Online Faculty Professional Developmen in the forum TOPkit Workshop 2018 7 years ago
Heidi Schroeder, University of South Florida, Sarasota-Manatee
Amber Lee, University of South Florida, Sarasota-ManateeAbstract:
Faced with the continuous need to ensure both new and returning faculty are prepared to teach online and hybrid courses, USFSM E-Learning Services has developed and successfully utilized a…[Read more] -
Ashley Salter started the topic Make Online Courses Welcoming to Culturally Diverse Students in the forum TOPkit Workshop 2018 7 years ago
Jing Wan, University of South Florida
Anchalee Ngampornchai, University of Central FloridaAbstract:
Students from diverse cultures often find themselves at a disadvantage in the U.S. school setting. The culture and language barrier create more difficulties for these students to maintain high academic performance. These…[Read more] -
Ashley Salter started the topic Creating a Community of Practice in a Self-Paced Learning Environment. in the forum TOPkit Workshop 2018 7 years ago
Sara McCool, University of West FloridaAbstract:
The Academic Technology Department at the University of West Florida offered faculty a six week “Designing a Quality Course” online training. ATC reviewed this training using Topkit’s assessment methods: faculty surveys and summative evaluation. ATC identified areas of impro…[Read more] -
Ashley Salter started the topic Quality Control and Assurance in the forum TOPkit Workshop 2018 7 years ago
Amanda Major, University of Central FloridaAbstract:
Checklists and rubrics provide a practical resource for any institution committed to maintaining online courses or programs. Whether using checklists to devise strategy, guide operations, or assess current quality, where to begin or how to proceed can be…[Read more] -
Ashley Salter started the topic Improve Content Accessibility through Collaboration and Professional Development in the forum TOPkit Workshop 2018 7 years ago
Karla Morris, University of South Florida St. Petersburg
Steph Fuhr, University of South Florida St. PetersburgAbstract:
In this session, participants will discover ways to build the awareness and capacity among their faculty to create and deliver accessible online content through engagement in collaboration and professional…[Read more] -
Ashley Salter started the topic Leveraging TOPkit Open Educational Resources to Enhance Your Online Courses in the forum TOPkit Workshop 2018 7 years ago
Jessica Tojo, University of Central Florida
Shelly Wyatt, University of Central FloridaAbstract:
Two open educational resources – customizable faculty development courses for teaching online – will be made available to participants. After a brief review of the two sample courses, participants will create a cus…[Read more] -
Ashley Salter started the topic Clarifying Roles, Minimizing Misconceptions in the forum TOPkit Workshop 2018 7 years ago
Anchalee Ngampornchai, University of Central FloridaWhen instructional designers build faculty training, we mostly focus on pedagogy and the effective use of online tools and technology. We rarely include information regarding our role and responsibilities in developing the training because we assume that the faculty…[Read more]
Ashley Salter started the topic How to Maximize use of TOPkit’s Faculty Development Models & Decision Guide in the forum TOPkit Workshop 2018 7 years ago
Linda Futch, University of Central FloridaAbstract:
Upon arriving at the workshop, you will be asked to complete the TOPkit FacultyDevelopment Decision Guide or find your personal results. Next, you will have an opportunity to discuss your institutional context within the framework of the Quality Transformation Model for…[Read more] -
Ashley Salter started the topic Effective Faculty Development in the forum TOPkit Workshop 2018 7 years ago
Alexandra Bitton-Bailey, University of Florida
Jennifer K. Smith, University of FloridaAre your faculty workshops nearly empty? Do your teaching tips disappear into the ether? Are your effort to develop a learning community falling flat? Then this session is for you! The First Year Faculty Teaching Academy (FYFTA) has helped new…[Read more]
Ashley Salter and are now friends 8 years ago
Ashley Salter and are now friends 8 years ago
Ashley Salter and are now friends 8 years ago
Ashley Salter and
Kelvin Thompson, Ed.D. are now friends 8 years ago
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